Du Muy rolls a two dice with an additional +1 (did not have initiative last pulse) and gets a 2, 2 +1 = 5. Since he rolled doubles he also gets the number on the Average Die of additional command dice this turn (3).
Erbprinz rolls 2,1 = 3
French win and take the initiative.
Musketry segment - No action as all units are out of range still
Artillery simultaneous segment - no hits recorded (pretty poor shooting all around, but you do need a 6 at long range which this is, even with 2 dice per battery instead of 1).
Pulse 2 - Du Muy gives 2 CD to Fischer to make sure he reacts to the flanking movement on a timely basis and gives no CD to any other commander (concerned about needing CDs to react to combat results perhaps?)
Fischer rolls 6, 3, 3, 2 and takes the 6 and 3 for 9 = Active so moves his regular infantry forces to the left flank in March Formation whilst the irregular troops move (and must always move) in Fighting Formation
Segur rolls 4, 4 = 8 so is active and stays put
Lutzelberg rolls 6, 1 = 7 so is active but stays put
Meaupeou rolls 5, 3 = 8 so is active buts stays put
Pulse 2 Erbprinz gives 1 command die to Zastrow to make sure he moves out of the village and engages Meaupeou before then end of the day.
Zastrow rolls 5, 5, 5 takes 10 and is active so advances out in front of the village.
Granby rolls 6, 4 = 10 so Active and advances to keep near to both the infantry wings.
Brunswick rolls 3, 2 = 5 so Inactive (perhaps the Erbprinz should have given him a CD to give the 'flanking movement' some teeth?)
3rd Pulse turn 1 rolls
Du Muy rolls 2, 1 = 3 CD but also rolls the average die for a 3. Since the Avg Die result is equal to or less than last pulse the turn ends automatically.
Both commanders are left with extra Command Dice which they must lose once the turn ends. So part of the command mechanics are set to cause players to think about possible 3 or 4 pulse turns when they actually probably only occur infrequently?
Here is the table at the end of the first turn, 2nd pulse activity:
Turn II
Roll for Command Dice for the turn
Du Muy rolls a 5 (so has rolled a 6 and then a 5 for 11 CD's - far in excess of what could reasonably be expected for a Poor commander per the rules).
Erbprinz rolls 3, 1 = 4 for command dice.
1st Pulse rolls for initiative:
Du Muy rolls 6, 2 = 8 plus an Avg Die of 3
Erbprinz rolls 5, 2, = 7. Erbprinz then sacrifices 1 CD to re-roll the 2 and try to win the initative, unfortunately he rolls a 1 so ends with 6.
French take the initiative for Pulse 1
Musketry segment - no one is yet in range so no firing
Artillery segment No hits yet made by either side!!!
French action pulse 1:
Du Muy rolls for Fischer with 2 CD added and gets 6, 6, 3, 1 and selects the 6 and 3 for 9 = Active and Fischer continues his movement to the flank.
Segur rolls 5, 2 = 7 so is active buts stays put
Lutzelberg rolls 6, 5 = 11 and must Attack so is forced to charge down off the heights and engage some of Granby's horse and some of Zastrow's grenadiers. He wins none of these combats and as the attacker must fall back 3 Base Widths after taking 2 hits on each unit that was in the various combats. The allies take 1 hit per combat as they won but did not defeat the French by double.
Meaupeou rolls 4,3 = 7 active buts stands pat.
Allied action pulse 1:
Granby gets 2 CD and rolls 6, 6, 6, 2 and takes the 6 and 2 = 8 and is active. He adjusts his lines by way of a slight forward advance. (Seems he does not relish the idea of attacking uphill into the untouched French regulars and heavy cavalry there just yet.)
Zastrow rolls 6, 2 = 8 and is active so advances 2BW towards Meaupeou's line but remains just out of range.
2nd pulse turn 2:
Du Muy rolls 2, 2 = 4 CD but also rolls the average die for a 2. Since the Avg Die result is equal to or less than last pulse the turn ends automatically. (Again some CDs are lost as the turn is over after only a single pulse occurs).
Turn 3 Command Phase
Du Muy rolls a 6 (really that's a 6, 5, and 6 for 17 CDs already, either this guy is misrepresented as Poor or is incredibly lucky so far in this game)
Erbprinz rolls a 1, 3 = 4
1st Impulse Initiative rolls:
Du Muy rolls 1, 2 = 3 with a Avg Die of 4 (so again likely a one impulse turn ahead for us)
Erbprinz rolls 4, 4 +2 (not having the initiative for 2 turns now) = 10. He also gets 4 extra CDs from rolling doubles.
Erbprinz naturally takes the initiative for the turn.
Musketry Segment - allies with initiative fire first and cause casualties:
Brunswick scores 2 hits on Segur's line troops and they return fire causing 1 hit.
Zastrow scores five hits on Lutzelberg's cavalry which is still trying to recover from last turn's unexpected charge. This almost destroys the 2 Dragoon units in Lutzelberg's force as they only start with a strength point value of 4 instead of the 6 for regular horse. (Maybe they should have remained a supporting line instead of trying to match frontages with Granby's forces?)
Artillery segment - no hits scored again. (seriously need more training)...
1st Pulse turn 3 - Allies with initiative move first
Brunswick gets 2 CD and rolls 2, 2, 3, 4 = 7 and is active by taking the 4 and 3 together (had he not been given both extra CDs he would have been inactive. His dragoons charge the french irregular troops and one unit evades but one is caught and must fight on the Heimberg.
Brunswick has one stand of Dragoons with SP 6 plus 2 dice (one for combat and one for regulars fighting irregulars) and rolls 6, 6, 4 = 14
Fischer fights one stand of lights with SP 4 plus 1 die for combat and rolls 6 = 10 loses but not doubled so takes 2 hits while the Dragoons take 1 hit and fall back 3BW
Granby gets 2 CDs and rolls 6, 4, 2, 1 = 8 taking the 6 and 2 and is active so attacks at his leisure some of Lutzelberg's cavalry to his front. (Had he taken the 6, 4 and made 10 he would have had to attack with all his troops).
Granby fights the two French cavalry stands and loses both combats so both his stands take 2 hots and fall back 3 BW while Lutzelberg's horse take 1 hit each.
Zastrow is not given any CDs so rolls 3, 1 and is inactive this turn.
French impulse 1 actions:
Fischer gets 2 CDs and rolls 6, 6, 6, 6 and must take 12 = attack so he must deploy his regulars out of March Formation and try to engage along Brunswick's front but is just out of range to do so.
Segur gets 2 CDs and rolls 6, 4, 3, 1 and takes 6, 3 = 9 and is active. He repositions his line a bit to avoid being outflanked by Brunswick and to engage more of Granby's cavalry in the coming pulse.
Lutlelberg gets 2 CDs and rolls 6, 5, 2, 2 and chooses to take the 6, 5 for 11 = attack. He destroys a cavalry stand of Granby that was damaged before but is repulsed from Zastrow's grenadiers easily. (Given the start SPs for both troops types the 6 for the French horse plus a 6 on the combat roll amounts to only 12 - and is the best they could do while the Grenadiers start at 7 so can't be doubled)
Meoupeou also gets 2 CDs and rolls 1, 3, 3, 4 and takes the 3 and 4 to = 7 for Active but can't reach Zastrow's troops to attack them without leaving the hill so he adjusts his line and waits developments...
Here is a final view of the table prior to the end of the test match:
French Left flank
French Right flank