Saturday, October 5, 2019

Tercios again TYW German Catholics versus Later Spanish

We have continued to play with these rules as the hidden orders and reactions to same offer a lot of unusual situations and the numerous dice rolls for shooting and fighting lead to surprising upsets at unexpected times.  We do not play with any of the leader traits and or conditions as that seems too cumbersome and everyone seems to pick the very same traits for their leaders, so why offer options that no one will ever likely want to select?

The terrain was a area of rolling hills and a small farming town with the local lord's chateau on the hills above.

The Spanish on the left with three late tercios in their center and cavalry on both wings facing four Catholic League classic squadrons  in two pairs.  All troops were Veterans so little to give away between them.

The Catholics brought their own right wing cavalry forward to stall the advance of the Spanish and in this were successful as one tercio was 'detailed' to help their cuirassiers 'see them off'.  This action occurs at the top of the next picture.

Meanwhile the Spanish mounted arqubusiers and a shot unit tried a similar maneuver on the Spanish right flank as seen at the bottom of the above picture.

Neither side was successful in this endeavor and the fight came down to an exchange of fire and push of pike in the center.  The Catholics had the advantage of two large heavy batteries supporting their foot and combined with their fire and some good rolling of firing dice all tree tercios were eventually driven off the field which basically ended the battle.

Next time the Spanish will reconstitute their forces and take a defensive position of some strength and a reinforced Catholic army will see if they can drive them from the area before winter sets in....