Friday, August 31, 2018

My 28mm Army for Max Emanuel period Part 3

The Bavarian contingent to the Turkenkreig was cavalry heavy and even through Blenheim the Kuirassier Regiments were large, in the Austrian fashion so 4 to 6 squadrons to each.  I limited myself to 4 squadrons but typically brigade the entire Bavarian Electoral cavalry as one very strong brigade.

First is the Arco Cuirassiers in grey coats with mid-blue facings, followed by Wolframsdorff with green facings and finally Costa with red/scarlet facings.

Next is the household cavalry, consisting of the Carabineer Garde (in red facings), the Grenadiers a Cheval with bearskin headgear and white facings and the Leibgarde-Hartschiere in black facings with silver highlights.  I also add one squadron of the Locatelli Hussars who were formed around this time.

In the next posting I will cover the artillery, transport and Command and Control sections of the army.

Colored Goldberg prints for Bavarian Army of Max Emanuel

These b/w folios have been around a long time and back then I took to the 'paint' application just to fill them in as a quick color guide.  The blue was the standard mid blue in paint so is a bit lighter than is now currently thought of as correct for the coat color. 

Hope they are enjoyable and useful.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

My 28mm Army for Max Emanuel period Part 2

Next up is Infantry Regiment Tattenbach, in 2 battalions with mid blue coat and yellow facings, with drummers in reverse (grenadiers also done in reverse as per previous pictures).

Then Infantry Regiment Maffei, again in 2 battalions with yellow facings.

And lastly the Infantry Regiment Mercy, in 3 battalions with mid blue coats and red facings.  Their grenadiers were also in reversed colors as shown previously.

This completes the infantry units so far.  The excess amount of small stones shows my attempt to break up the flocking material so this is clearly before the day when large stick-on flower and fauna pieces became the vogue.  Maybe I will go back and remove some of the rocks and add further dressage to the bases but first we need to game with them more frequently...

Thanks to Robert Hall for the flag designs from his very informative booklet series.

The Bavarian army occupied the more northerly part of the battlefield at Blenheim and was deployed roughly as shown in this diagram from the Obscure Battles web site:

Next post will cover the cavalry who are shown holding the center.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

My 28mm Army for Max Emanuel period Part 1

These are Front Rank figures for the most part, and very nice sculpts they are.  It was the first army that I did with a rosewood wash after the initial blocking in of colors and the results were pleasing then and continue to be so for me.

We organized all our forces for this period to play the Blenheim 2005 rules that were provided free on the web and were meant for large battles to be fought in a session of 2-3 hours.  Though they do make some oversimplifications and are streamlined, they do deliver a good game with the ups and downs averaging out across the armies.  Many battles have been played with friends using this system and I am hoping that we can use the newly published games Compass Games, The Nine Years War and No Peace Without Spain as a vehicle to present further good gaming opportunities.

First, the Leib Regiment in 3 battalions of sartorial splendor.  Mid Blue coats with White facings and silver buttons and lace.  Officers in reversed colors.  Flags taken from the web and slightly over-sized to make a better impact.

Next the Kur Prinz (Electoral Prince) regiment, again in 3 battalions with Mid Blue coats and facings and I have used sergeants in red with blue facings as a contrast.

Then two combined grenadier battalions with troops drawn from the above and other units.  Sturdy men well accustomed to being given the hard tasks when they needed to be done.

More troop pictures to come in future postings.

In True fest is the Bavarian army motto and means 'Steadfast in Loyalty' hence the name of the blog.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Army of the Blue King part 5

This completes folio number 1, I will start the other folios in further posts.  And there are further Hoffmann illustrations that were found over time in various places that will get their preview as well.